Do I Need To Update My Commercial Insurance When I Acquire New Assets?

You buy commercial insurance to protect your business against unforeseen events, and your protection should be updated when your business changes. Business growth or decline, relocation, or acquiring new assets require updating your insurance protection. Contact the Bachmann Insurance Agency team serving Flushing, MI, to confirm that your commercial insurance adequately covers your business.

Changing or Acquiring Business Assets

When you acquired your policy, you structured your original commercial insurance plan to protect the value of your business. It reflected the current state of your business and its assets. However, businesses grow, acquiring additional equipment to manufacture products or better serve their customers. Likewise, businesses hire new employees who need extra tools, office equipment, or vehicles. Businesses also move into new quarters or add inventory, so the mix and value of their business assets change, resulting in the need to revise their commercial insurance.

Protecting Your Assets

As a business owner, it is important to review your commercial insurance with your insurance agent at least once per year and whenever you experience a significant change in the value of your assets. After all, if the assets are worth acquiring, they are worth protecting against potential risks.

The meeting should be straightforward, assuming your books reflect your current fixed assets, inventory, vehicles, and facilities. Keeping your commercial insurance plan current will help you sleep at night, knowing your assets have protection against unfortunate events.

Keep Your Commercial Insurance Up to Date with Bachmann Insurance Agency

The Bachmann Insurance Agency team expertly serves the Flushing, MI, personal and business community. We can help you create and update an insurance plan to protect your assets. Call us today at 810-230-1375 to discuss your personal or commercial insurance options.